Summer Days

Its the longest day of the year–arguably the hottest.

Jam covers the counters.

(And coats my dress).

A new puppy plays and howels outside.

He doesn’t have a name yet… maybe soon.

As the two year old would tell you in woeful voice “Callie dyyyyed.”

I do the pronunciation injustice, but the fact remains the same that the old lab is no longer.

In her place wriggles a second, active Springer Spaniel.

Tomorrow I plan to set up my sewing room and get to work.

But today, I’ll just enjoy summer.

The berry-patch, and the jam. Friendships, and fabric stores. Puppies, and two-year-olds, blue cars, blue skies, each breath of air. Sticky fingers, and sticky floors. Memories, and music. Life.


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